Our approach

The footprint we want to leave is an essential aspect of our approach. Like the imprint of the polar bear, we want this imprint to be unforgettable in your minds and to be as weak as possible on the environment in which we live.

On board you will be supervised by our crew members. Captain, sailor, cook or guide, we are all driven by a passion for the sea, the Arctic and adventure. We will have at heart to ensure you a comfortable, gourmand, enriching stay and this in complete safety .

Whether during a ski touring raid, navigation in the fjords, an emotional moment at the sight of a polar bear in Spitsbergen, an orca leap, the song of a humpback whale or an observation of the aurora borealis we wish to make these moments unforgettable, in this sumptuous, fragile nature and therefore to be protected.

Welcome on board! You are at Escales Polaires!

The spirit of our stays

We differ from the biggest boats by our availability and our flexibility to seize opportunities to transform them into beautiful observations:

whatever the time of day or “night”, whatever the time that must be devoted to it, the priority is to make good local observations. We can dedicate hours to nature viewing, in the middle of the day or under the midnight sun.

This difference is highly appreciated by photographers, ornithologists and naturalists. It is the key to a rich stay. You wrap it all in a friendly, almost family setting and you have there, all the spirit of our stays.

We therefore do not have an immutable “day to day”, but rather a common thread and a number of objectives that we strive to achieve in order to meet your expectations. Every day, depending on the ice conditions, the weather, we will make you enjoy the best that Nature can offer us and will take you to the most beautiful sites that we have discovered over the years.

This “philosophy”, with no scheduled future, requires that you let yourself be carried away by the progress of your trip to Spitsbergen by placing your trust in us…

We want to share our passion with you and respond to your curiosity.

Life on board

All our attention is focused on the quality of your stay, your observations, and your comfort on board, in a warm atmosphere.

​Discover in pictures some "slices of life" of our stays

The crew

A team of passionate sailors to ensure safety and conviviality on board.

They are committed to sharing their passion with you and ensuring the success of your stay.

​"Our requirement is that each trip be a unique and friendly experience for you aboard a boat on a human scale.

The boat

Isbjornen II

Former Greenlandic buoy laying ship.

A safe and comfortable refuge, suitable for ice navigation. Comfortable cabins, a good table and equipment adapted to your expeditions​